black for a reason

no joy for lina

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Indeed, no joy. But remember this, not only for Lina, but for the entire nation.

you can read it from malaysiakini.

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10 Comments (Post a Comment)

Blogger 周小芳
6:44 PM


how come ur blog appear in malaysiakini?
Anonymous Anonymous
7:15 PM

In Indonesia, there are Indonesian Muslims, Hindus, Christians. In West Asia, there are also Arab Muslims, Christians, and even Jews. But in Malaysia, malays must be Muslims to be called malays.

Religion especially Islam, is very effective in controlling the thoughts and minds of a people, and makes it easy to govern them.

However, still most Muslim malays are such a embarrassing and disappointment themselves by practising intense racial sentiment. Very very very few are open minded, and most of these good hearted malays are from educated priviledged and motivated background.

Too sad the leftover Muslim malays are hypocrite rubbish and will always be rubbish.

It is easy to blame malays (for whatever issue) since there are just too many examples out there for the minorities to exploit. Yes that holds some truth to it, so let us forget about the useless racist uneducated malays. Let us examine the 'smart' malays, the new breed malays.

When a smart malay who had the opportunity to get great education (e.g. from Oxford), uses racial sentiment which is a very cheap way to get around pleasuring own's nipples across the political arena, is not that another example of typical malay? Just that in this example it involves a new breed malay, the smart one.

Again, I am rude but these are real.

Every single person born in this Malaysia should have the same equal rights.

If the Muslim community want to respect Islam, they should give the right and protection to the non-Muslims. Not the other way round. For Islam is fair and is beautiful. It is the racist card players who changed the rules and adopted racism as part of their agendas.

It is not true that outside Malaysia the migrants have lesser rights than those living in Malaysia. This is a fallacy and you know it. Migrants (non-malays) are mistreated in Malaysia more than in other countries - go check your facts.

Umno racist sympathizer yet trying to sound reconciling - no constructive comments - all sound as if Umno racist is the one that deserve the chance and have the ability to fix……….all others opposition party are useless!

You expect us non-malays to just accept unfair justice, racism or corruption for 50 years and keep quiet about it? Thank God, he did not create robots. Humans are retaliate, free to belief and choose - ask Umno racist to do its best to block freedom - watch the fall out!

The world is looking at Malaysia - the decision is simple and against human freedom will have to face the world and God too……….one day!

As many have correctly pointed out, Malaysia is the only place in the world where there is institutionalised racism (NEP defined apartheid).

I guess any person who has followed closely developments in Malaysia can already see the brain drain from our country……….so I will not elaborate.

For your information, a large pool of overseas talents and professionals are from Malaysia or were once Malaysians. I even have a fellow PhD colleague pioneering technologies for NASA at MIT, just because they gave him a scholarship. He was rejected straight away by UM of course.

At least in overseas, talents are valued, appreciated, and given a fair go as opposed to the semi-oppressive and exploitative nature of NEP (and its spin offs).

Equal rights for every citizen of Malaysia and that is how it ought to be. The malays seem never enough to be satisfied with they have - such an inferior race with lack of intelligence.

The Malays, Indians and Chinese fought for independence from the British together. Malaysia is born from the strength of Malays, Indians and Chinese. In Indonesia or America, they obtained their independence in a different way. So please don't compare with the rest of the world.

History teach us that the first inhabitant of Malaysia came from China Yunan. The malay originated from the Polynesian. Malay history start from Parameswara who escape from Indonesia and settle in Melaka. During his time, Laksamana Cheng Ho visit Melaka seven times.

Melaka need the protection of the China from the invasion of the Siamese. Without Cheng Ho, there won't be malay history, instead you have Siam history.

Mass influx of Indians and Chinese was during the rule of the British. That was before the creation of Malaysia. Today we have Malaysia, who can claim to be 'tuan'?

God save all of us.

Indeed the real bumis are the Orang Asli, they too are migrated from other places many many hundred years ago!

By the way, if Islam is so tolerable, strong and beautiful, why in Malaysia apostasy is not allowed? If this is a worry, then it only shows how weak Islam is!

I pity Malaysian Muslims, you probably are the least free people in this world! Even Indonesian Muslims are allowed to practice apostasy when they become adults!

USA, UK, Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore, Japan, Italy, Germany, France, etc - what make them different from Malaysia?

Why are they successful, well most importantly they practised meritocracy system and secondly they don't have law that discriminate against skin colors or religions or minorities.
Anonymous Anonymous
7:19 PM

Discrimination in the private sector is everywhere. Even the Chinese businessman who is just starting gets discriminated against more established ones, unless he has a mentor to back him up.

As for career interviews, it is best to get a recommendation first. If I am using my own money, it is my right to choose whom I want - even to the extent of discrimination. Why would I want to hire someone that I cannot have lunch with, work with or converse with?

The BN government on the other hand is discriminating against the non-malays not with the malay money, but with probably the Chinese money as the latter pay the bulk of income tax collected in the country. That we are against.
Anonymous Anonymous
7:22 PM

If we read the Malaysia Federal Constitution of 1957, we will not find the word "bumiputera" - hence some would say the origin of the word is grounded in the political agenda of some politicians to discriminate against citizens not of malay ethnicity.

In short there is no constitutional legitimacy in the use of the term "bumiputera" except for its purpose which is to discriminate for the sake of discriminating.

Some fifty years after independence from the British, the demographic profile of its population has changed. Most of the Chinese/Indians today are no longer foreign born, and through the principle of "jus soli" (Latin meaning "right of the soil") are citizens by birth.

The word "bumiputera" (Sanskrit meaning "son of the soil") which came into popular use after the riots of 1969, is a convenient term not grounded in the science of anthropology but in the politics of race - in other words its use is a convenient invention by malay politicians and malay leaders to justify the policies of Umno which dominated the ruling alliance, which came to be known as the New Economic Policy (NEP).

It could have been called "The Great Affirmative Action Policy" but the architects of the NEP are visionary leaders whose motives go beyond affirmative action.

It is not a coincidence that post-1969 saw the rise of business oriented leaders in Umno and the political demise of the malay school teachers whose hold over power in the party suffered a setback. The labeling is important as events many years later are to demonstrate to us that more is envisaged rather than just affirmative action.

Let there only be one class or let Malaysia be a nation of the "classless". Malaysians do not need a caste system like we find in India.

Enough is enough. The word "bumiputera" creates a class of Malaysians based not on ethnicity but on some dubious criteria with religion factored into it.

It is conceptualized for the convenience of policy makers who rode on the wave of malay nationalism unleashed after May 13, 1969 to maintain their position of power and influence.

The faster we do away with the word "bumiputera" the better it will be. The use of the term "bumiputera" post-1969, I submit, has less to do with affirmative actions but more to do with politicians who see in it the opportunity to maintain their hold over power.

It is time power be handed over to a fresh breed of Malaysians who think less in terms of Malay, Indian and Chinese or "bumiputera" and "non-bumiputera" but more in terms of Malaysians of different ethnic descent.

But let us not lose our perspective. The United States has been independent for more than 200 years but is still today struggling with racism. Malaysia is still politically a toddler learning to walk. Success is about what happens when we fall rather than in the walking.
Anonymous Anonymous
7:25 PM

In Japan people commit hara-kiri if they have erred. Here Malaysia we have half past six ministers pointing fingers at each other. See the big difference? Our ministers here their skin is thicker than Kobe beef.
Anonymous Anonymous
7:26 PM

A sad day for all Malaysians.A long long way for us to achieve wawasan 2020!God bless Malaysia and all Malaysians!Salam.
Anonymous Anonymous
7:28 PM

The basis of how the Malaysia government works is based on the NEP, a highly flawed and self destructive (to most) system. We are citizens of a flawed system. There must be something wrong for those of us who grew up and indoctrinated on this low class mentality.

The crutches mentality and NEP have simply permeated too much of civil servants and the government.

Face it, too many people managing public education in this country have feudal mindset. Next to the police, the public education establishment is probably the most opaque and unaccountable.

We have principals and teachers who make shocking on decisions in schools on their own. We have administrators who make bad decisions on programs, schools, syllabus, teachers, etc.

Before we get a first class university, we need to get first class students from quality schools. Sadly most of the good schools have been decimated by who have become more engrossed with 'tudung' fashion than the quality of teaching.

Face it, there are many in the government that see education and skills the way they see government contracts - they need to limit the other races from it and to monopolize it. It is very much parcel and part of 'ketuanan' idea.

Their greatest fear is that non-malays would take what is available and run far ahead of them. In other words, if they can't have it their way, no one should get any either. It is better to spoil the game then let someone else win the game.

As long as those elements of the NEP inside higher education policy, don't ever dream on having first class universities. Second class is also out of our reach. Third class……….yes! This is what we are having now. Look at our local graduates that being churned out from these third class universities.

The frequent flooding is just one sign of all that has gone rotten in Malaysia.

Seems like none posters have confidence and hope at all on the government and the policy they implement. Any move they make is just to benefit their members and bringing down Malaysia to the knee and suffered its citizens.

I think the posters have no hope because we believe with the affirmative action and NEP to the majority favouring certain 'upper' class - there will be no prosperity for Malaysia regardless of the illusion they throw at us.

The grievances expressed here are tips for the government to reflect on the issues and to improve on its administration. It is free advice. We do it as if we are happy, or have no choice, but to let BN to continue to be in power forever.

I grew up in small town when I was a kid and that was the best part of my life but this corrupt system has to be stopped somehow. Even if they are not money corrupt, the system is ideologically corrupt and unsound.

It is just spinning on a vicious cycle. I don't see Pak Lah breaking that cycle. In fact, he is playing into it.
Anonymous Anonymous
7:31 PM

As a brain drainer whom has fled to Australia, here are my reasons for leaving.

(1) Better government. Australia government is way less wasteful than Malaysia government. I am rather tired of seeing my tax money going into white elephants and useless projects while our Malaysia schools are getting neglected. Oh, and my tax returns are guaranteed to be paid back in 10 days. Usually I will get my tax returns in 4 to 5 working days.

(2) Better lifestyle. I cannot own a car and still be able to get around Australia. I am looking forward to do my masters degree in a proper university environment and being supported by the government through PELS scheme and tax deduction.

(3) Better traffic. Besides Sydney, traveling around cities in Australia is quite a relaxing task. You don't have to deal with some corrupt policemen or crazy drivers.

(4) Things are actually affordable here. You might have to pay 10 bucks for a plate of 'char koay teow', but the size of the plate you can share is with 3 people in Malaysia. Oh, and you get the big prawns too.

Like someone said, I go back to Malaysia for the 3Fs - family, friends and food. If I do stay in Malaysia, I do not see a future for myself or my family. My children will be discriminated at school. Education will be extremely expensive. And I will die earlier due to all the pollution in the air.

As many doctors leave Malaysia every year, there are more illegal Indonesian workers coming in and became citizens so easily. The country does not only flush away good brains but also refill with……….(sigh) - this is an insane country.

No no no, this is not insane. We did great things to the world you know, like providing brains to others, and accepting rubbish from others. That is a Malaysia Boleh!
Anonymous Anonymous
7:35 PM

The very foundation of Umno are lies - lies about May 13 riot, lies about secularity of constitution, lies about special right, lies about supremacy of court, and of course lies about the NEP.

How can our accountability and transparency not be limited by the very lies of the foundation of our governance?
Anonymous Anonymous
7:38 PM

Sorry facts are facts. Sorry in spite of all, you malays still cannot compete. By the way - you are so wrong that we Chinese do not look towards China.

Where there is money to be made, and where we can improve other Chinese well being be it Malaysian Chinese, Hong Kong Chinese etc, we are looking towards it. You bet. The next world is not Malaysia, a tiny little dot in this world.

Where opportunities exist, we look elsewhere just like Singaporeans they are going everywhere.

If you are to do a study among all Muslim countries, the level of development will be directly proportional to the level of Islamisation of the country.

Just do a study - you will know the fact. The reasons are so obvious why this is so. I do not want to elaborate here to hurt the feelings of Muslims but I mention just two:

- they sidelined the women.
- how many Muslim nations are in deep religious based wars?
- and plus many other activities against productivity.

You cannot have it both ways. Live in this world or live in the after world. There is time only for one.

This is why I see very bleak future for Malaysia the way it is heading - the day when we 'Talibanise' Malaysia.

Our constitution does not say we are a secular state. But by the same token, nowhere does it say we are an Islamic state either.

A country can be Islamic but yet remain secular in government. Turkey, Egypt and Algeria are prime examples. As long as the constitution remains the supreme law of the land, we are an Islamic country but a secular state.

All these are really non-issues as long as everybody sticks to the original game plan.

Look at it one way, it seems like they want to keep the NEP because they are taking advantage of perks and curbs, keep the Umno linked filthy rich.

First of all, the NEP has no goodwill towards the non-malays. They think that the non-malays are rich and can afford to run overseas because of the drought of local university places available?

This is another fallacy. Truth is a lot of the non-malay parents have to work their asses off, keeping a small unit family, just to use all their savings to finance education overseas because local opportunities are not forthcoming and not available.

Malaysia lose a lot of talents in such a way, especially when the NEP has indeed made certain non-malays very competitive on the global scale. For these people having been successful overseas and given a fair go at the opportunities, they will think twice to come home to adversity in Malaysia.

And that is a fact. Do you know that we lose almost 80% of our local talents to the US, UK and Australia every year! Go check the emigration records. Do you know that the Malaysian contingent is the largest oversea students in Australia, and almost 100% that succeeds takes up Australia PR and citizenship?

That is exactly the formula used by many progressive countries including the US, UK, Australia, even China.

These countries have policies that stress both the affirmative action to aid the poor and complement it with an emphasis on high standards, including robbing other countries of their human capital by enticements such as international scholarships.

So I can't understand why it is not palatable or applicable to the malays! Why lay back when you have the world as a challenge.

The failure of the various Malaysia communities to integrate is not because there is no common language, but the ill will festered by the outmoded communal politics that Umno Youth seems want to perpetuate, the NEP, and the lack of Malaysia kinship (e.g. one race want to be tuan).

It is only nature that human beings and animals learn more from failure than success. So, be prepared for a soul cleansing in the next 10 - 20 years in Malaysia.

Yes, the one common denominator is that they are all not Muslim countries. Even among Muslim countries, the less that Islamization is the focus of national existence, the better off the society from a social, political and economic standpoint.

That is why Turkey used to be relatively better off in various aspects compared to other Muslim countries but this has been starting to change recently.

Hate to say it but yes, obsession with Islam is anathema to progress, political stability, peace and economic well being.

We agree that it is difficult to manage a multiracial country like Malaysia with its diverse religions and races. It is also obvious from the discussion that the current political and economic model has failed us, particularly with regards to racial integration.

We are heading towards a crisis. We need to have a paradigm shift in our socio-economic model. Otherwise the omens look bad.

Now humans are humans, be it malays, Japanese or Israelis, when one is in absolute power there will be a tendency to sideline the minorities. Arrogance and abuse will crop in. There is no doubt about it.

To be developed, there should be peace, good sense of responsibilities, equality and cooperation. Of course, good leadership and governance is equally important. Every party should not to be made to feel deprived.

I still feel that mixing religion with politics is not wise - for we can see around the world almost everywhere trouble spots are based on religious differences and in countries where religion is part of politics. That is the reason why Malaysia although a Muslim country should remain secular.
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