black for a reason

Streamyx Went Nuts!

Sunday, February 27, 2005 read close 1 speaks

--- ping statistics ---
431 packets transmitted, 365 received, 15% packet loss, time 430460ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 11.901/19.912/422.406/26.823 ms, pipe 2

Can you accept packet loss at such rate? It's been 2 weeks like this. For the first time, I see myself being trapped in a hopeless situations. Could I file a complain to 1-300 line? I doubt they would understand my problem, and most probably ask me to

1) reinstall my Windows XP (which I happened to be a happy Fedora Core User).
2) restart my modem (I could, but the line will persist in such packet lost rate after restart anyway).
3) change my computer, as my computer spoilt (if is true, the damage list would include another pc and a notebook, as I have tested both, and same thing happened).
4) cable problem (my LAN file transfer works marvellously).
5) modem spoilt (doubt so).


Happy Chinese New Year 2005

Sunday, February 13, 2005 read close 1 speaks

Just a warm greetings to all of you, directly or indirectly celebrating this festive occasion :)

For me, just as busy as usual. Other than work, and research (of course), I took some time off by enjoying my visitation, a festive movie and two great meals (genki sushi and KTZ).

Elaborate more next time. If I have time la ;)

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