black for a reason

Week 5: Short Note... again

Monday, June 19, 2006

Gee... short entry is cool.

anyway, i'm officially sick.

down with minor soar throat and flu (blocked nose)

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4 Comments (Post a Comment)

Blogger watersugar
10:03 PM

hey... ur brother is also down with flu!
Anonymous Anonymous
2:38 PM

Heya, hope you get well soon :)
Blogger kiawin
7:21 PM

dear all,

feeling better now. just down with bit of cough. flu and soar throat have gone by now ;)
Anonymous Anonymous
1:35 PM

No short entry is so not cool for ppl who's bored. Give us more things to read! haha but this time is excused coz u're sick. Well good to know u're better :)
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