Dear Lau Sian Lerk, I stumbled across your blog by mistake and I decided to read your blog for some weird insane reason. Unfortunately, your blog freakin sucks. Its been one of the worst blogs I have read so far. Maybe god will reveal more things to you if you did not suck this much. Your goofy grin in your picture does not make you look cute, it makes you look like a retard. Please take a minute and look at your picture and compare it to Leonardo Di Caprio's character in "Whats eating Gilbert Grape". You will find the similarities to be astounding. If you are really retarded, please accept my humble apology.
Wow... my first hate mail. Thanks for your comment and yeah... i supposed retard blogs are meant for retards. so.. for the bright eistein like you can just visit other blogs such as jeff ooi or yasmin the story teller.
Yeah, don't repeat your *mistake* again, don't bother to read here.
Dear anonymous, your *humble* apology is retardly accepted.
PS: I suppose the number of hate mail one receives signifies how popular (or on contrary unpopular) a person is.
10:26 AM