black for a reason


Thursday, July 12, 2007

This is a song played while I on my way back from midvalley. Apparently I finally understood what the singer trying to imply in this song.

我把自己关起来 只留下一个阳台 每当天黑推开城门 对着夜幕发呆
看着往事 一幕一幕 再次演出你我的爱

我把电视机打开 听着别人的对白 也许那些故事 可以给我一个交代
你要的爱 我学不来 眼睁睁看情变坏 人怔怔看情感慨

不能给你未来我还你现在 安静结束也是另一种对待
当眼泪流下来 伤已超载 分开也是另一种明白

我给你最后的疼爱 是手放开 不要一张双人床中间隔着一片海
感情的污点就留给时间慢慢漂白 把爱收进胸前左边口袋
最后的疼爱 是手放开 不想用言语拉扯所以选择不责怪
感情就像候车月台 有人走 有人来 我的心是一个站牌 写着等待

我把收音机打开 听着别人的失败 哽咽的声音仿佛诉说着相同悲哀
你的依赖 还在胸怀 我无法轻易推开 我无法随便走开

Today was an interesting (and long) day. It also marks a new point whereby one has to see what's happening around him, and how to deconstruct it. For those who keep looking for answer, I believe you've already took a glimpse of it. You know what is it :)

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